EDC - Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut
EDC stands for Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut
Here you will find, what does EDC stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut? Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut can be abbreviated as EDC What does EDC stand for? EDC stands for Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut. What does Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut mean?Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut is an expansion of EDC
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Alternative definitions of EDC
- Export Development Corporation
- Exhibitor Designated Contractor
- European Documentation Centre
- Error Detection and Correction
- Estimated Date Of Confinement
- Error Detecting Code
- Engineering Data Control
- Electronic Digital Computer
View 167 other definitions of EDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- EWL E i Wines Ltd
- EFC Edge Fitness Club
- ESLBL ESL Bangladesh Limited
- EPMR El Paso Mexican Restaurant
- ETS Esperanza Therapy Services
- EREG Equinox Real Estate Group
- EER Executive Edge Recruitment
- EBMCMS EBM Cuba Marketing Solutions
- ED Everything and the Dog
- EPCW Eastside Primary Care and Wellness
- EPRSI EP Radiological Services Inc.
- EPU Edinburgh Political Union
- ETC Epsilon Technology Corp
- EDMPA EDM Performance Accessories
- EEC Ecliptic Enterprises Corp